BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Soc.Just. 12

What is the contribution of the labour movement in achieving many social programs, policies, and laws in Canada?

  • I can name benefits that we enjoy today because of the labour movement.
  • I can analyze the causes and consequences of milestones in workers’ rights.
  • I can consider my personal opinions about unions and workers’ rights.

What have been the turning points for women’s rights in Canada?

  • I can identify Canadian women who were trailblazers for women’s rights.
  • I can analyze significant turning points in women’s rights in Canada.
  • I can explain what needs to be done to remove barriers to gender equality in Canada today.

How is poverty linked to privilege and power imbalances in society?

  • I am able to define poverty and describe how it impacts individual lives.
  • I can analyze consequences of injustices and power imbalances which lead to poverty in our society.
  • I can elaborate on my potential to bring about awareness of poverty and initiate change to current systems that promote inequality.

How can ethical consumerism promote social justice?

  • I can communicate my findings about a company’s labour practices in a variety of forms.
  • I can evaluate a company’s labour practices and judge to what extent a company should be held responsible for the ethical failings of an outsourced third party.
  • I can make reasoned ethical decisions about how to use my purchasing power.

How can consumer awareness of ethical issues in manufacturing affect change? 

  • I am able to define fast fashion and globalization, and I can articulate examples of each.
  • I can analyze the various positive and negative aspects of globalization and fast fashion as well as how these affect people locally and globally.
  • I can make informed decisions as a consumer in bringing about awareness and change in the clothing sector, as a result of exercising my buying power.

How is pollution linked to inequality?

  • I can communicate ways that the social justice issues of environment, poverty, and race are interconnected.
  • I can analyse relevant sections of the CCRF, UNDRIP, and CEPA in the context of environmental racism.
  • I can explain the causes and consequences of environmental racism in Canada today.

How can understanding implicit bias and systemic racism help us address racial injustices?

  • I am able to define implicit bias and systemic racism.
  • I can analyze the significance of legislation and policies and determine their impact on historical and contemporary racial inequality.
  • I can explain why it is necessary to raise awareness of racism in Canada and to take action for justice.

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